Since the most sensational stuff that’s been happening this year is not publishable on public media, I’ve kind of let my Blog lapse… shucks, when you’ve just experienced a real-life modern-day angelic visit opening padlocked doors, every other story seems a bit dull…
Since the most sensational stuff that’s been happening this year is not publishable on public media, I’ve kind of let my Blog lapse… shucks, when you’ve just experienced a real-life modern-day angelic opening of doors, every other story seems a bit dull…
You’re a Deborah! (even if you’re a guy… ok if you’re a guy then you can be a Joshua!) Joshua 1:3 “Wherever the sole of your foot shall tread, God has given you the land.” You have authority in the land to make a difference, to bring hope where there is hopelessness, healing where there is pain, joy where there is sorrow and love where there is hatred.
Wonder why Deborah went with Barak to the battle? Why didn’t she stay at home under her palm tree? (Judges 4) Because there is power in your physical presence. As a follower of the Anointed One, Jesus, authority has been delegated to you. By His Spirit that dwells in you, when you go about your daily work have the attitude, “Here I am Lord, use me.” This attitude places you in the realm of faith where God can use you as His vessel, His ambassador. As you live your life each day in this attitude, submitting to Him and seeking to “do good” as Jesus did, know that you carry His presence. Like Deborah and Barak, He will win your battles and use you as a light to all who see you!
Seriously, I will post again soon – probably an excerpt from a book I’m working on. Stay tuned!