It really is possible. That dream you gave up on, that hope you laid aside can become a reality. And in the process you’ll become a world changer.
I know because I did it and am doing it. If there had been a vote on who was going to achieve great things, I wouldn’t have even been nominated. But today I’m living the dream of Being a world changer. For this I have to thank those amazing people who have been my role models, my heroic team that carries out the project in the field and most of all my lord and savior Jesus who transformed me from miserably selfish to a new creation with a vision and a purpose
bringing healing to a broken world and helping others go from Stuck to strategic, from Disgruntled to dynamic.
As a small child growing up, Dad frequently employed two phrases: One was his own custom version of an epithet, mumbled whenever things were hard – which they often were, since we lived in the boonies of northern Wisconsin with no electricity. We had no telephone, used kerosene lanterns for light and survived winters huddled in front of the fireplace.
Sometimes Dad would take me by the shoulders and look into my face and say with determined conviction, “You can do anything you want to if you want to do it bad enough!” Those words prophesied the destiny of my life.
When I was four Mom got me started riding ponies and at nine Dad – formerly a fighter pilot in World War II – taught me to fly airplanes! Sort of pioneers born out of season, my parents loved to keep moving. By age fourteen I had gotten to help design and build four homes – Build as in mix cement in a wheelbarrow, haul rocks with the pony and cart, cut 2 x 4s with the skillsaw and my favorite part, nail on the roofing – All while camping out in a 10 foot square shack and being homeschooled by Mom.
Though flying airplanes was cool, horses became my infatuation. At age 12 I trained my pony to gallop and jump without a bridle. At 13 my parents managed to buy Alpenglow, a special horse that we could only afford because she was handicapped. At age 16 I was the youngest rider in my equestrian division to win the regional championship. Also an avid artist , around the same time one of my drawings was selected for presentation in a museum.
God was not a part of our lives. By age 15 I had set foot in a church exactly two times: one wedding and one funeral. “I don’t see God, I can’t hear God, so I don’t believe in God” was my position, validated by Dad’s warning, “The Bible is written by mere men, and the preacher just wants your money. Stay away from both.” Despite all the benefits of wonderful parents and amazing life experiences, I was not a happy teenager. In fact I was downright nasty, belligerent and overcome with prideful narcissism. And I thought that was normal.
Then on March 28 1986 I encountered Jesus. I saw him, touched him and spoke with him. How can that be? I have no idea, but it happened. For the account of that unspeakably holy experience which completely revolutionized my life, check out my first book Treasures in Dark Places.
That was the launching into my secret calling. A decade later after several more vivid supernatural directives, I laid aside my budding equestrian career, wrote a farewell letter to my parents and set off for a region of the world called “the poisonous hub of human trafficking” and known as “the graveyard of Christianity.”
In the next two decades, prayer, persistence, team building and persecution along with miracles of healing and deliverance resulted in the once “graveyard” becoming a vineyard of hope and healing through Christ-based interventions such as water systems, anti-trafficking initiatives, high quality schools, computer institutes and innovative businesses.
One key to this incredible success was the audacity to go way outside the box of what was supposed to be possible. Another was the progressive discovery of ancient keys to the abundant life we were all meant to live. Having traveled and taught parts of this material in 42 nations, it is now revealed in my second book, Your Secret Calling.
Leanna initiated a united collaborative network, able to look beyond their differences to accomplish massive goals. A visionary who is always discovering hidden strategies, she also leveraged a little-known method influencing millions every year with only a few hours of work. She is a motivational speaker and author of two books, Treasures in Dark Places and Your Secret Calling. Firmly grounded in Scripture and enlivened with amazing stories, her high-energy messages draw listeners to the edge of their seats. Her ministry is an infusion of radical faith, global vision and out-of-the-box strategy equipping participants to influence their communities for good and for God.
Grew up in a barn In the woods with no idea how to dress up or present myself. Knew how to live on $200 a month but had no idea how to make money. Married the wrong dude and divorced a year later. Almost micromanaged my first organization into oblivion.
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