Debut in a Media Future


What have I been doing this spring-summer? Clearly, not writing my Blog!  Between travels for ministry and meetings, and between which playing horse…

I have at last become convinced the only way to effective communication in the modern era is VIDEO. Or, more accurately, I have known this but two seemingly formidable hurdles removed video from my desktop of “things I can do reasonably well.” Those two hurdles were “LIGHTING” and “SOUND” both of which had upon many occasions foiled my attempts at creating useful videos, condemning them to remain at the dismal base camp of “amateur.”

But a few weeks ago after calling the local camera store and being quoted $500 for just a single light, it dawned on me to ditch the mountain and check around in the jungle, AKA Amazon. How shocked I was to find that an entire studio lighting system could be on my doorstep in three days (thanks to Prime and China) for only $150! Add three 10 x 12 ft backdrops including that all-important chroma green for $60 and I was all set! Well not quite… ended up adding the top rated web cam, Yeti mic, and an amazing FREE live broadcasting software called OBS. Total video studio for under $440.

Because I share the townhouse with my YWAM renters, I take the smallest room which is all of 12 x 12 ft. So I bet I have set a record for THE smallest video studio in creation…


The studio was ready just in time to make

the debut video – our anti trafficking bust in Nepal. Check it out if you haven’t already!

this “live format” vid got about 4-5 x more views than a normal vid posted on FB!

And here’s my first official Vlog!

OOPS haha… dangly earrings get chromad out so no more danglys!

Next goal: To do live video interviews with our heroes in India and Nepal who are rescuing trafficking victims, bringing hope to the hopeless and trnasforming lives through education!

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