Some people observe that the Christmas tree originated in paganism, and feel hesitant to participate in this element of our culture.

So did the Easter egg. Therefore should you deny your kids participation in the neighbor’s Easter egg hunt? Or deny them the fun and joy of coloring Easter eggs? Most of us are no longer that legalistic. Maybe at Easter I will teach on this subject but this is Christmas…

Do you enjoy bringing the Christmas tree in and decorating it? I recall actually going out in the snow with the sleigh and pony and cutting our own Christmas tree… that’s me in the sleigh, and mom driving our pony named Blacky!

“To the pure, all things are pure…” Titus 1:15 What does that mean?

A tree is not good or evil in and of itself, it’s just a darn tree. It is how you use it that makes it good or evil. Are you going to bring the tree into your house and worship it, hoping it will fend off demons? Of course not! Are you going to bring it into your house just merely as part of culture and not connect it at all with the meaning of Christmas which is Jesus? Hopefully not. Hopefully you will go beyond that because you are powerful in Christ to not only use the things of this world but to redeem them, purify them, and turn them into something that glorifies God.

So bring the tree in and have the most fun you ever had decorating it, but do it thinking about the One who died on a “tree,” that term being an Old English word for… the cross! (for example, 1 Peter 2:24 “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree…”)

Yes, when you set up the Christmas tree, take that opportunity for a moment of praise and worship. Gather around and thank God for sending Jesus, Emmanuel God with us, who died on the cross tree to save us and to transform us from darkness to light.

As you decorate the Christmas tree, let it be an intimate time with Jesus. Like the shepherds you are gathering around to honor the newborn king. Every glittering ball you hang upon the tree, offer your praise to the Lord, like the wise men presenting their gifts to Jesus.

As you open gifts and rejoice with family and friends, let it also be an act of worship in the name of Jesus, the greatest Gift of all. As you unwrap a present, remember – are you also unwrapping the Gift that is Jesus? If we never unwrap God’s Gift, we will never experience his salvation, love and grace. We must engage with him relationally, seek him, and walk according to his will then we will experience the fullness of this Gift!

Secondly, are we keeping the wrapping paper on our lives so that others never really see Jesus in us? Or are we joyously unwrapping Jesus for others to see? Are we displaying him in all that we do and say?

So this Christmas let’s praise the Lord for Christmas trees and lights and gifts, because all of it, if we allow it to, reflects and glorifies Him.

Merry Christmas!

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