A devotional thought from Leanna’s journal archives – initial portions written in 2006.
Recognition that you cannot be the universe precedes satisfaction with being a planet within the universe. If you in fact are a grain of sand having aspirations to become a planet, the first step in attaining your goal is to admit that you are a grain of sand and not a planet. The second step is to admit that you will need many more grains of sand to join you in your vision. Moreover these grains of sand cannot simply be gathered and stuck together because being of multiple shapes they won’t be able to closely intermesh to form the hard, dense rock necessary to become something the size of a planet. If you just gather them and stick them together you may form a sizeable hunk of sandstone but everyone knows you don’t build a planet on sandstone. It will get just so large and then gravity working on its lack of density will crumble it.
False planets are made of unformed grains of sand forced together by the artificial addition of cement or glue, i.e. the lure of money or the threat of harm. Another kind of false planet is when all the grains of sand are forced or coerced into losing their uniqueness. They must fit together but they must each be unique, like a puzzle piece.
The only way to build a planet is to systematically form and fit each grain of sand to another, producing a hard rock. How is this practically worked out in practicality?
This is the basis of teamwork, the art of discipleship and team building and networking; helping people fit with each other and become exponentially effective, flexing and adapting our rough edges and corners in order to become an intricate puzzle working together as one unit with one purpose. The more that each part first fits to the character of God, the easier this task will be. The more mature are two individuals in their own personal identity and in their perception of others, the more easily they will accomplish great deeds together no matter how different they are. It is beautiful to watch two very different people yield to one another, respecting, honoring and affirming each other into mutual heroism. If any action or characteristic of one is detrimental or in need of adjustment, they openly confront one another in love, and without making excuses, and honestly pursue genuine, lasting change. They find each other’s strengths and compensate for each other’s weaknesses. They celebrate each other’s differences, holding uniqueness and individuality in high esteem.
While we build and shape and fit together, let all of us maintain the humility of the grain of sand. For pride in our roughness or a demand to keep a sharp corner that is jabbing our neighboring grain of sand, frustrates planet-building. If allowed to become still more sharp, that roughness can also split apart the piece of planet we have built.
Have you built a planet… or some piece of a planet? Have you brought two grains of sand closer to becoming a cornerstone? Rejoice! You’ve done a great work. You weren’t satisfied with being a lone grain of sand in the universe. Whoever has sought out others, helped them do something of value, and helped them grow together to do something to serve others, to rescue captives, or to improve the world – you have engaged in planet-building!