This new year will be a season of unleashing of full potential but it requires a sharpening of swords.

And then it requires that we shine, wielding that sword in three dimensions, two of which are often neglected… 

Main verse: Hebrews 4:12

A summary/overview: 

on December 27th I had a vivid dream. I was with a troop of warriors and together we were engaging an enemy to bring healing and freedom to our land. We had in our possession an implement, a tool which was very powerful to bring about the victory. However there were tough, dry weeds growing out of the tool. Why it is that we could not simply pull out the weeds I understand to be as follows it would cause the seeds to be replanted and more weeds to have grown. Therefore the weeds had to be cut first.

My comrades came forward with scissors and kitchen knives but could not cut the weeds. I possessed an entire armory of big swords. One by one I took them out and all my comrades cheered, certain that the swords would make quick work of the weeds. But my swords were dull! The woody , prickly stalks still resisted the blade. Then I took out a very special sword like one from LOTR, but on this sword the handle was loose. The dream ended. 

This new year will be a season of unleashing of full potential but it requires a sharpening of swords. As children of God and officers in his kingdom we have in our possession the most powerful implement that can turn lostness to salvation, darkness to light and brokenness to wholeness. That powerful tool is the word of God, sharper than a two-edged sword  (Heb 4:12). The two edges means both the logos and the rhema – both the internalization through personal growth in Christ, and the externalization through using our gifts, skills, creativity and influence.

What we often miss about this verse is that the Word influences three dimensions: Spiritual, physical, and intellectual. Often we limit our Faith walk to the spiritual but his word is powerful to influence all three dimensions… And until we realize that we will not win the victory! This is a trick of the enemy to keep us from entering our full influence by getting us to operate in a partial gospel.

This new year may we all discover a more complete spectrum of that Word, Jesus, the “Word made flesh who dwelt among us and we beheld his glory…” (Jn 1:14) Jesus demonstrated God’s kingdom in all three dimensions. He delivered spiritually, healed and defended the weak physically, and employed creativity and taught intellectually.

This new year global powers both spiritual and physical are coming into alignment for God to do a great work in the Earth. Like the virgins who had prepared their lamps versus the ones who had not, will we be ready to be used to the max in his momentous plans? For this reason I have made this resolution: I will sharpen my sword and then I will use it in all three dimensions.

I declare this in your life: Things that were broken, things that were downtrodden, things that were about to die, things that were considered hopeless or had been set aside all these things will be “sharpened,” the weeds will be cut, and the you will ARISE AND SHINE in 2025!

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