Leanna’s ministry is an infusion of radical faith, global vision and out-of-the-box strategy. She mixes practical teaching with inspiring testimonies that draw listeners to the edge of their seats. Firmly founded on Scripture, her messages always point to Jesus. Her high-energy motivational speaking style is combined with thought-provoking questions and activities that get the audience on their feet participating.
Desert experiences are intended to be only temporary. Jesus has a Promised Land of wholeness, victory and purpose for everyone. No matter what was in our past, a bright future lies ahead.
Humans are created uniquely “in God’s image.” With dramatized examples and testimonies from her own life and ministry, Leanna ushers participants into the fascination of how powerful, purposed and influential they were designed to be.
A journey through the Scriptures revealing a whole new paradigm which has rarely been taught. As the Scriptures disclose this amazing, beautiful and powerful identity, participants realize that they were created for an incredible purpose.
As the people of Israel wandered and died in the desert, likewise many Christians spend their lives searching for purpose and struggling with the residual brokenness from a traumatic past. However this is not God’s will! Desert experiences are intended to be only temporary. Jesus has a Promised Land of wholeness, victory and purpose for everyone. No matter what was in our past, a bright future lies ahead. With amazing personal stories she relates with the participants’ struggles and brokenness, demonstrating that God has the power and the desire to deliver them. She then opens the Scriptures teaching participants how to move from brokenness to victory through Jesus Christ. In conclusion she leads participants in practical and personal application of the Scriptures to their own lives resulting in many discovering a new walk of victory, peace and joy through Jesus’ victory.
In order for a person to experience the full blessings of God’s Kingdom, he or she must understand how and why humans are created uniquely “in God’s image.” With dramatized examples and testimonies from her own life and ministry, Leanna ushers participants into the fascination of how powerful, purposed and influential they were designed to be. Each “pillar” is grounded in Scripture and related to practical life applications. In conclusion Leanna leads participants in the discovery of how to cultivate each “pillar” for greater victory and impact in their personal lives and ministries.
Beginning at Genesis, Leanna takes participants on a journey through the Scriptures showing them a whole new paradigm which has rarely been taught. As the Scriptures disclose this amazing, beautiful and powerful identity, participants realize that they were created not simply to go to heaven but to make a difference in the world for God’s Kingdom. Seeing often for the first time the awesome mandate and the glorious vision of God in His creation and salvation of His prize creation, participants arise to a higher vision, a clearer life focus and a stronger Christian walk. Leanna concludes this session with a time of praising and worshiping God from a new platform of awe and humility at His awesome love, which leads to overwhelming joy, authority and confidence.
Ushering participants back to a time before Christ was born, Leanna takes them on a tour through history. But this isn’t any ordinary history lesson. She reveals a hidden mystery that we never learned in history class in school, and which our culture and textbooks neglect to mention. Not only do the heavens declare God’s glory; so does history! Participants discover that they are part of a global, cross-generational and nation-transforming movement which has shaped the modern and developed world. This means every believer has the potential to make a vast difference for the cause of God and the cause of good in the earth. The session concludes with a time of deep intercession for our city, our nation, our leaders and the world.
For missions-focus groups, Leanna will teach the unique and strategic step-by-step process by which the Gospel can take root in an unreached and persecuted territory. Richly illustrated with examples and testimonies from her own ministry in north India, this session will provide a new and efficient paradigm for those passionate about reaching the least evangelized or most needy areas of the world. With 100,000 new believers a year in a region known as “the graveyard of Christianity” and tens of thousands of needy children being rescued and educated for a bright future, Leanna will inspire and direct your group for maximum missions effectiveness.
Every culture and nation has unique entry points by which it can be influenced for God and by which the Gospel can take root in the peoples’ hearts. Leanna prepares for this session by concentrated prayer and research into the specific background, situation, culture and needs of your city, group and/or nation. Therefore the insights she brings are uniquely tailored for your needs. Teaching will reveal the “roots” by which God throughout the Bible has influenced nations. Leanna will share her personal journey of discovering the “roots” of Northern India by which today a mighty movement to Christ is underway. Part of this session will actively engage and celebrate members of your group who are most “indigenous” to your focus community. The session concludes with Leanna leading the congregation in declaring God’s love and salvation over your city, nation or cultural group using the most indigenous forms possible. As ancient, often suppressed cultural forms are liberated, the session often climaxes in joyful celebration.
A hidden mystery is revealed that we never learned in history class, and which our culture and textbooks neglect to mention. Not only do the heavens declare God’s glory; so does history! Participants discover that they are part of a global, cross-generational and nation-transforming movement which has shaped the modern and developed world.
The Biblical and strategic step-by-step process by which the Gospel can take root in an unreached and persecuted territory. An efficient, proven pathway for those passionate about reaching the least evangelized or most needy areas of the world.
Every culture and nation has unique entry points by which it can be transformed. Uniquely tailored to the culture and needs of your city, group and/or nation, this session reveals the “roots” by which you, your team, church or organization can most effectively engage with your local community and bring healing and salvation.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
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